Mother Nature fully cooperated as she did her part in bringing the essential
ingredients needed for the muddy merriment that ensued this past weekend in
the Spa City.
Rain, cold, and gloom were the appetizer, main course, and dessert served up for
the event and none could be happier for this perfect environment than every
person who trudged their way around the Garland County Fair Grounds each of
the last 3 days.
Faire attendees were entertained and amazed with a myriad of events such as
one-on-one knight battles in which the combatants were adorned with period-accurate armor, leather, and chain mail. Onlookers gasped at times as they
witnessed and heard the vicious strikes and loud clanks of real swords meeting
each other or landing blows on the assailant’s opponent. After the initial shock of
the realism they were witnessing wore off, the crowd could be heard giving
raucous cheers during subsequent strikes of the weapons.
Along with the crowd-pleasing events were a vast assortment of food and craft
vendors. Whether it was pirate garb you were seeking, medieval trinkets, Celtic
woodwork, Arabian candles or a thousand other exotic items not found at your
local box store, there was a little something for everyone of all ages to take home
as souvenirs.
All in all, the 2023 edition of the Arkansas Renaissance Faire proved to be more
entertaining, more colorful, more diverse, and more everything than has ever
been. Hoping the 2024 version grows to be even better.